VS9OM January 24, 1959 Masira Island, Sultanate of Oman


Royal Air Force Station VS9AS on PDR Yemen
Operator: Brian A. Smith, VS9AS, VS9OM (now G3WCY)

Brian A. Smith (above), an Air Traffic Controller for the RAF, stationed on the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (VS9AS), asked to be transfered to Masira Island, in the very rare country of Sultanate of Oman. Masira Island is a minor RAF base comprised of about 40 RAF men plus a few natives. His transfer date was January 6, 1959. He optained the callsign of VS9OM. He borrowed an 8 watt transmitter with 2 - 20 Meter crystals.

QSL from G4UZN Collection
Photos and info from Don Chesser DX Bulletin #59, Jan. 20, 1959