KB4SAD is front, second from left

KB4SAD is standing at the back with the "4". Caballo Island - Ft. Hughes remain restricted to the public to date. During our DXpedition the island was under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Navy's Fleet Support Command. Notice the PN personnel with the M-16 on the right. The island formation at the back is Corregidor Island where Gen. Douglas MacArthur left from to head to Australia and was the last stand of the Allied Forces before the Philippine Islands fell to the Japanese in WW2.

KB4SAD is the one on the mic.

4D0DBT 1982 Philippines

4D0DBT Caballo Island (Ft. Hughes) DXpedition, June 1982

Here is an article written by KB4SAD about the 4D0DBT DXpedition.

Courtesy of KB4SAD