KP4CMO 1966 Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Operator: Rolf Dyce was the associate director. He was a planetary scientist. He was also involved with moonbounce with Sam Harris W8UKS.
What's interesting and rare about this QSL card is that it shows Arecibo with the original "chicken mesh" surface and no Gregorian dome.
The surface was upgraded to aluminum panels in 1974 and the Gregorian Dome was installed in 1995 as depicted in
WP3R's  QSL card. WP3R

Rolf was a dear friend and was the person that I worked with as a Summer student back in 1974 there on designing and building another 100 ft dish used with the big 1000 ft dish.
He was the Associate Director and a really smart fellow.

From the estate of W9MFW / W9DE
Info courtesy of WP3R, WA3FET