Scarborough Reef, Asia

CQ Zone 27, ITU Zone 50

Only contacts made January 1, 1995, and after, count for this entity.

If you have any cards from Scarborough Reef that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.

| Ham Gallery Homepage | QSL Gallery Homepage | DXCC Countries Homepage |


BS7H 1994 by W6FW

BS7H 1995 by K8CX

BS7H 1995 by K8CX

BS7H + Info 1997 by W6FW

BS7H + Info 2007 by K8CX

BS7H 2007 Rock #5 by K8CX


This site is copyright © by K8CX of Paradox Design Group (PDG).
All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.