GM5FT/P 1937 Scotland

Operator: John P. Blair

See a GM5FT/P log page in pdf format!

UK stations weren’t allowed to call CQ, only “TEST” and to save himself the bother of writing GM5FT, he put an “X”.
As you can see he mainly called other stations, but did on a few occasions call “TEST” and put an “X” in the ‘Called” column.
The entry on 3rd June shows he called GM5ZXP - this was used for portable stations, not the usual post-war /P, which would have been GM5ZX/P after WW2.
Marchmont House (Google it!) is a large mansion in the Borders and I’ve operated VHF NFD (National Field Day) from the grounds in the 1970's (see NFD reference on QSL card).
GM5FT was recruited into the UK’s Radio Security Service during WW2 and there’s some 12 pages of his listening watches later in the logbook.

GM5FT became a SK in 1963.

QSL from the estate of G6YL
K8CX Collection
Info and pdf file courtesy of GM4BDJ