VQ9BP 1975 Seychelles Island

The operator was William G. Pomeroy, Jr., WA2LEY (1973 callbook).
The description of William G. Pomeroy of the William G. Pomeroy Foundation mentions amateur radio.

He was one of the operators on the DXpeditions to Farquar (1973) and Des Roches (1974).

He was in Mahe in the Seychelles, which is where the U.S. Indian Ocean Tracking Station was, from 1963-1996; tracking space vehicles and satellites.
We are not sure if Bill worked for the Tracking Station or was doing something else on the island.
Bill was an American citizen who had a home on the island.


Bill is on the left, Bing Crosby is 3rd from left.

G4UZN Collection
Callbook info courtesy of W5KNE