ZD1AW 1960 Lungi Airport, Sierra Leone

Operator: T.A. (Alf) Wilson

ZD1AW was QRV from Freetown, Sierra Leone, for two years, going QRT in November 1960.
ZD1AW was the late Alf Wilson, aka GI3PGG, G3PGG, EP2TW and ZC4AW. More recently, Alf was better known as 5B4AFB, and a good friend of mine. Sadly, Alf is now SK.


Alf worked 20, 15, 10 Meter AM and CW.
His station was an Eddystone receiver, DX40 transmitter, Quad and dipole antennas.
He was very close to DXCC from Sierra Leone before leaving.

QSL from the estate of W9GAI
Info courtesy of 5B4AHJ
Photo from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #103, July 27, 1960
Photo sent to magazine by W3KVQ