O.A6C 1920's South Africa

Operator: W.G. Yapp
Several cards from his collection are on this site, tnx Patrick Rigg

The Wikipedia entry for the S.A.R.L. says -
The South African Radio Relay League (SARRL) was formed in 1925 through the efforts of a number of regional and local radio societies and clubs, some of which were established around the time of the First World War. At the outset, membership was limited to licenced radio experimenters capable of two-way telegraphic communication by radio. Temporary headquarters for the organization were established at Johannesburg. The first president to be elected was Joseph White, who had earlier been the chairman of the Transvaal Radio Society.

A detailed history of the first two years of the SARRL is hard to trace because there was no regular publication of any sort. The first effort in this direction was made some time during 1927, when a fortnightly news sheet appeared under the name "F.O. News." This publication continued for about a year, but no surviving copies exist in SARL records. "QTC" was the first printed magazine issued by the organisation. The first issue was published in May 1928. The editor was R. S. Perry, A9Z and the magazine was printed in Durban."

QSL Patrick Rigg Collection
Info from Wikipedia, Tnx G4UZN