ZS6KK 1948 South Africa

YL Operator: Marie Kramer

There is a note on a Russian web page (listing various hams who had lived to an advanced age) -
" Among the women, the elder was Marie Cormack-Kramer (ZS6KK) who lived for about 90 years (she died in the period 2002-2003)"

The Spring 1951 Call Book shows Mrs. Marie Kramer at 53 Davidson Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg and
Dave Kramer ZS6JF at the same address.

The Fall 1952 Call Book shows Mrs. Marie Cormack, 5 Lena Court, 132 Yeo Street, Bellevue East, Johannesburg., and ZS6JF still at the Orange Grove address.

The Spring 1959 Call Book shows Mrs. Mrs Marie Cormack, 96 Dunbar Street, Bellevue, and Dave Kramer 5 Sylrosa Court, Regaent and Raymond Streets, Bellevue.

Marie was Joint Organising Secretary of the South African Womens Radio Club on its formation in 1952.
She is listed as DXCC in 1950, also for some S.A.R.L. awards and an A1 Operators Club member.

QSL & Info G4UZN Collection