HL9TA 1959 South Korea

HL9TA is the first Korean club station authorized by government of REPUBLIC OF KOREA, July 1959.


HL9TA Korean Amateur Radio League, Inc Club Station


KARL Operators:
Standing: Iim Yung Yim "Yim", dong In Cho "Cho", Yo Sung Cho, and Jung Hyuk Im "Im".
Seated: Yoyun Cho "Johnny", Yu Eun Rhee "Rhee"

HL stations are not permitted to use SSB at this time.
HL stations are not permitted to communicate with "Iron Curtain" countries such as U's, R's, JT, OK, SP, LZ, etc.

QSL courtesy of HL1AV
Photos and Info from HL9KJ sent to Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #93, November 11, 1959