FP8BH 1966 St. Pierre & Miquelon Islands

Operator: Bill Loeffler W1PFA

Walt Wilkie W1KNU / FP8BI and Bill Loeffler W1PFA / FP8BH at their DXpedition station in famous Room 8 of the Robert Hotel on St. Pierre. They worked over 900 stations in 46 countries in about 25 hours.
All photos from their 1959 DXpedition.

Main Street of St. Pierre Island

Harbor scene on St. Pierre. The large building in the background is the PTT office, where FP8 amateur radio licenses are issued.

The Robert Hotel, St. Pierre, where most DXpeditions to FP8 have set up shop in Room 8. Standing on the front porch are FP8BI and FP8BH.

Walt W1KNU / FP8BI and Gus FP8AP. Gus assisted many DXpeditioneers to FP8. This is Gus' s 26' boat.

QSL from the estate of W1EOA
Photos by W1PFA sent to Don Chesser DX Magazine #94, November 18, 1959