SM6CVX 1975 Sweden

SM6CVX is one of my best friends! He lives only 1400 meters from my office (2500 meters from my house)!
I can tell you that Hans is still rigorous when it comes to QSL cards and "hates" e-QSL and all digital QSL-ing (as well as FT-8 which he believes will destroy amateur radio as we know it). He comes to my office almost every week to offer help in sorting QSLs (I am in charge of our society's outgoing QSL bureau).
I am sure most of you have worked him during his six or seven Papua New Guinea-expeditions (P29VCX, P29NI and other calls).


SM6CVX Hans Hjelmstrom

QSL G4UZN Collection
Photo, Info SSA QSL Archives
Courtesy of SM6JSM