eH9OC 1928 Switzerland

The eH9 prefix for Switzerland would eventually become HB9.

The card shows the operator name printed as Alex Wyss; but manually shown as E. Nussbaum,
as on a
similar card on Ham Gallery which was sent to G6YL in England. This card was sent to a listener in Detroit.

Both cards were responses to reception reports, this card shows the times of transmissions -
"It relays the Radio Berne Broadcasting programme which is picked up by radio"

The message starts on the postal side of the card and continues on the front.
The operator says: - "The writer of this card is not Alex Wyss, but E. Nussbaum, who was attending the Washington Conference last year.
Pse write to A. Wyss, my colleague "

QSL + Info G4UZN Collection