Trindade & Martim Vas Island, S. America
PY0 - PY0T

DX Zone 11, ITU Zone 15

If you have any cards from Trindade & Martim Vas Island that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.

| Ham Gallery Homepage | QSL Gallery Homepage | DXCC Countries Homepage |


PR0T 2023 by K8CX

PW0T 2002 by K8CX

PY0AC 1977 by W6JD

PY0CZR 1967 by W3CJF

PY0CZR 1967 by G4UZN

PY0EP 1969 by W1EOA

PY0EP 1969 by G4UZN

PY0NA 1958 by W8UAS

PY0TA 1982 by W4XQ

PY0TE 1984 by DL9WVM

PY0TM 1993 by I4EAT

PY0TUP 1992 by I4EAT

PY0TUP 1994 by I4EAT

PY0TY 1992 by K3GO

PY1EFM/PY0T 1883 by I4EAT

PY1EFM/PY0T 1983 by I4EAT

PY1VOY/PY0T 1884 by I4EAT

PY2BZD/PY0 1965 by OE1HGW

ZV0MB 1996 by ON4ADN

ZY0T 2009 by DF6PW

ZY0TA 1989 by I4EAT

ZY0TI 1989 by PS7AB

ZY0TK 1988 by I4EAT

ZY0TX 1989 by G4UZN

ZY0TY 1989 by ON4ADN


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All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.