9DRV 1929 Pueblo, Colorado

Operator: D. Packard


9CIW 1930 Colorado

The operator was William Page Hopwood, W6UZM, ex-9CIW, W9CIW, W9NBW (portable) and KL7DKV.
He served in the U.S. Navy 1934-1938. By 1940 he was employed as an electrical engineer by the FCC in Denver, Alaska and possibly other locations. He was living in California by 1948.
He was born in Colorado in 1912 and became a Silent Key in California in 1998.

Bill 9CIW and Packard 9DVR were buds in high school and graduated the same year in Colorado.

QSL, Photo courtesy of Doug Hopwood, son of 9CIW
Info courtesy of W5KNE