W4WJ 1935 West Palm Beach, Florida

Operator: John Marshall Tapscott, was W4WJ for several years, but then acquired the callsign W4WV.
Sgt. Tapscott was a veteran of WW I (July 20, 1919 - July 22 1920). He was employed by the Florida Highway Patrol.

W4WJ now owned by Donald Murray, Fredericksburg, TX.

Back in Nov '76, after I had just received W4WJ, I was visiting with an old friend Chuck Bolvin, K4KQ (sk).  After I had been there a few minutes, he said "I have something special for you."
The next thing I know, he is handing me this W4WJ QSL.
I was totally blown away!!  Back when Chuck was W8LVV in Ohio,  he had worked W4WJ and had received this card!

QSL from Don Murray W4WJ
Early W4WJ Info courtesy of W5KNE