W9GFF 1958 Chicago, IL

Operator: Elmer (Bud) Frohardt
Elmer was a boyhood and army days friend of W9BRD Rod Newkirk of "How's DX Fame".
  Elmer so enjoyed mentoring and helping new hams hone their skills and obtain their tickets that his given name, Elmer, was the name Newkirk used when he coined the soon-to-be-infamous sobriquet of an "Elmer", those unsung fathers of amateur radio.."
Newkirk had no idea he was actually, at that moment of casual usage of W9GFF's Christian name - in the March, 1971 column of "How's DX?" in QST magazine, creating a new word for "one who mentors" in the English language, officially recognized now.

Elmer Bud Frohardt Jr. W9GFF/ W9DY was licensed in the 1930's, he was a veteran DXer, eventually working all 381 countries at that time from his former home in Chicago.
When he moved into an antenna restricted neighborhood in the 90's he enthusiastically began chasing DX from his car, racking up 326 entities while operating from the back seat.

QSL from club station KB6BJ
Tnx to K3ZO
Info and scan courtesy of W8SU
With help from Amanda Newkirk WN9PMC