5KC 1922 Plaquemine, Louisiana

The operator was Vincent L. Rosso, W5KC, ex 5KC, who lived in Plaquemine, Louisiana.
He was employed by the U. S. Postal Office as a mail carrier.
His parents, Gianchino and Josephine Rosso, were both born in Italy.
He was a very active DXer.
He was born December 24, 1901 in Louisiana and became a Silent Key February 6, 1986 in Plaquemine, Louisiana.


Vince Rosso, W5KC


Bob Robertson W5BUK, Vince Rosso W5KC, Jack Swanson W5PM


W5KC's wall of KC suffix QSL cards!

There is a large collection of W5KC QSL cards on HamGallery. Go to http://hamgallery.com/qsl/ and type W5KC in the search engine on that page.

QSL from the estate of 9DCR
K8CX Collection
Station photo, info & KC cards photo courtesy of W5KNE
Group photo from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Bulletin #61, Feb. 3, 1959