W5KC 1945 Plaquemine, Louisiana

The operator was Vincent L. Rosso, W5KC, ex 5KC, who lived in Plaquemine, Louisiana.
He was employed by the U. S. Postal Office as a mail carrier.
His parents, Gianchino and Josephine Rosso, were both born in Italy.
He was a very active DXer.
He was born December 24, 1901 in Louisiana and became a Silent Key February 6, 1986 in Plaquemine, Louisiana.


Vince Rosso, W5KC


Bob Robertson W5BUK, Vince Rosso W5KC, Jack Swanson W5PM


W5KC's wall of KC suffix QSL cards!


W5RG and W5KC at the West Gulf Convention


Left: Soupy W5NW receiving Presentation Model of the Vibroplex from Vince W5KC, retiring president of the West Gulf DX Club. Center, looking on: Brad W5ADZ, ARRL QSL manager for the 5 call area.

There is a large collection of W5KC QSL cards on HamGallery courtesy of W5KNE. Go to http://hamgallery.com/qsl/ and type W5KC in the search engine on that page.

QSL, station photo, Info & KC cards photo courtesy of W5KNE
Group photo from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Bulletin #61, Feb. 3, 1959
Convention photo by W5VHR from Don Chesser DX Bulletin #108, August 31, 1960
Soupy W5NW photo from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #76, June 30, 1959