1YC 1927 Boston, Massachusetts

Operator: Francis Chester "Frank" Gow, 1IK, was the operator at 1YC Eastern Radio Institute, Boston, MA in 1927. He was born July 31, 1907 in Connecticut.
The list of his call signs include: 1CJO (1920-23), 1IK and W1AF (1927-29), W1AF and portable W1FNU (1933) and his last call W4AL (Knoxville, Alabama, 1946).
"Mr. Gow served as a ship operator for the Independent Wireless Telegraph Company from 1925 to 1927, and as an operator, announcer, and production worker for WEEI from 1927 to 1936.
He then joined the Columbia Broadcasting System where he engaged in network production until 1941 when he became an operating engineer at CBS's Brentwood, New York,international shortwave stations.
Mr. Gow joined the Radio Corporation of America Laboratories in 1942 where he served in both New York and Chicago.
Frank has been appointed by WROL Knoxville, TN. as station director in charge of all studio and transmitting personnel and operations in 1946.
His immediate objective being the installation and initiating of operations of station's FM transmitter and the installation of improved AM facilities.
Frank died in Knoxville Oct. 6, 1947.

QSL from the estate of 5KC, W5KC
Info courtesy of W5KNE