W1CH 1946 Worcester, Massachusetts

Joseph E. "Joe" Grahn, W7AH, ex W1CH and 1CH.
He became interested in amateur radio circa 1923. In 1947 he was the editor of the How's DX column in QST.
In 1945 he was chief engineer for station WAAB in Worcester, Mass.
He served in the U.S. Navy. He moved to Phoenix, Arizona circa 1952.
He was born March 2, 1907 and became a Silent Key December 18, 1986 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Joseph Grahn was the second Editor for QST's "How's DX" taking over from  Byron Goodman, W1JPE, later W1DX, with the March 1947column and continuing forward through November of the same year.
Rod Newkirk, W1VMW, took the torch for How's DX with the December 1947 column, later returning to Chicago and his original W9BRD call.
He continued with How's DX through the February 1978 edition. A 30 year span.

QSL courtesy of W4WJ
Info courtesy of G2JL, W5KNE, W4WJ