W1IGN 1934 West Mansfield, Massachusetts

YL Operator: Doris K. G. (Wood) Schwerdtfeger
W1IGN, was active in the 1930's and 1950's. Schwerdtfeger was her married name. Her husband, August R. Schwerdtfeger, was not a Ham.
According to an article in the May 1937 issue of QST, she was scheduled to marry Lawrence A Hopp, U.S.N.R., N8ENP, later W8ENP. No record of this marriage was found.
In the 1940 callbook she was still listed with the Schwerdtfeger name. She was born circa 1909 in England and died February 22 1990.

QSL Patrick Rigg Collection
Info courtesy of W5KNE