8ZZ 1923 Detroit, Michigan

Operator: Clyde Elden Darr
1879 - 1929

Operator: Clyde's personal work garnered no fewer than 69 QST covers before he became a SK in December 1929 at only 50 years old.
Darr was an accomplished operator himself, having the apparatus and skills, for example, to famously keep in regular contact with 1TS, Don Mix during MacMillan’s
WNP expedition.
Darr also possessed rather good contesting chops. A full page posthumous tribute was published on page 25 of the February 1930 issue of QST.

Here is one of his art works (that didn't get published).

He also had some other callsigns in the early 1920's: 8MR and 8XBQ.



QSL, Info NL7XM Collection
Callsign Info courtesy of W5KNE
QST Article courtesy of ARRL