W8ZJE 1949 Adrian, Michigan
Operator: Vince W. Ekman 1916-2015
W8ZJE was formerly W9DEH U.S.
Army Signal Corps. He was a fantastic long time CW man, enjoyed
40 meters.
When I knew Vince, his antenna of choice was a HI-Gain Vertical
array which served him well.
Vince enjoyed the hamfests, generally attended many each year.
Vince in his hamshack in 1957.
W8ZJE in his hamshack.
Taken around 1969-70. He loved 40 meters and had a lot of friends
on the key.
Read the tribute by W8SU to W9DEH / W8ZJE here!
QSL, Info courtesy of W8SU
Hamshack photos from the estate of W9DEH / W8ZJE