W0RXL 12016 Duluth, Minnesota

Operator: Howard J. Pramann became a SK on August 8, 2016 at age 97 and 11 months.

We learned the 3 X 8 X 7 foot tall radio/transmitter my father built piece by piece in his early 20's is still going strong, in a shack just northwest of Duluth. Tubes rule !!  One gentlemen told of how he came to our house on a Saturday morning in 1962 to take a Ham Radio Operators test given by my father.  He passed.  He has worked along side my father for over 50 years providing critical communications for so many special events in Duluth, like Grandma's Marathon and the John Beargrease Sled Dog Race.

We grew up knowing Ham Radio was vital to my Dad's sanity and well being, in oh so many different facets. So, we buried his ashes yesterday, in a radio he kept on a shelf in his living room until the day he died. 
Please see the picture of the Alter with the radio and Morse Code key to the right.


My mother Dorothy, Kelly, Dave, Mary, Marie, Marguerite, Priscilla, Travis, Tyler, Rachael, Ryan, Katie, Brett, Logan, Hunter and my 18 week old Grandson, Porter Orion, Howard's Great Grandson

QSL from the estate of W0RXL
Info courtesy of Howard's son Kelly