W0VXO 1963 Minneapolis, Minnesota

Operator: Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ, ex: W0VXO, NP2MJ of Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands.
Born 1936 - SK on April 29, 2020 at age 84.

This QSO was made on the day that the FCC reopened 160m operation to the southern U.S. 
I was running 25 watts, max allowed at night in FL, a Johnson Ranger, 1/2 wave dipole with open wire feeders.

Licensed in 1954 as W0VXO, Schoenbohm became KV4FZ after relocating to the US Virgin Islands in 1968.
He was a sales representative for broadcast equipment manufacturers on the international market, primarily in Latin America.
Herb was active in 160-meter contests during his early years and to present in the Virgin Islands.
Herb got on 160M as soon as that band opened from government restrictions to protect the LORAN navigation system in that region.
KV4FZ was among the first Top Band operators to earn DXCC on 160, and his signal frequently served as a beacon from the Caribbean during contests.
He was active in emergency communications and helped during hurricane disasters affecting the Virgin Islands, receiving a Governor’s Medal in 1990 for supporting communication after Hurricane Hugo.

QSL W4WJ Collection
Info courtesy W4WJ, K8CX