W9DOQ 1929 Duluth, Minnesota

Operator: Palmer Andersen

W0GKM said Palmer was held in high esteem by the Duluth Arrowhead Radio Club. Palmer 6 foot two former healthy stevedore until rheumatic fever took him.
Palmer an invalid laying on his back in a living room near windows where he could have an outside view. A telegraph key laid on his belly and he could tap out morse code. And tap-out he did.
An ARRL and Chair Warmer's Club member.
Palmer was cofounder of Northwest Radio Supply in Duluth, as he enjoyed earlier the radio parts business supplying the local amateurs from his room.
Your author when stationed in Duluth had purchased many amateur items from Northwest. Those who knew our subject stated Palmer was a miracle, good humored and always productive.
(spelling of Palmer's last name is old style Andersen from the old country)

Read a tribute to W9DOQ by W8SU!

From the estate of W2BDD / W2AOY