W4VN/5 1989 Canton, Mississippi

This card was not accepted for DXCC.

I got the email from Bill Moore about the W4VN/5 operation. Apparently DXCC didn't know if the card was /5 in Mississippi or operating from Navassa as he used the same card for both. Here is Bills comments:
Tom: It is my understanding that when he was on Navassa he signed /KP1. He used the same card for his USA ops signing /5 as the USA.
73, Bill Moore NC1L

I met Richard J. Brown way back in the early 60’s as he was the chief vet. for a few monkeys that were being trained to check out the Mercury capsule prior to John Glenn’s initial flight. This was done at the missile test center locally. Of course, once the monkey proved the capsule, he (Dick) was transferred again and I think it was near Houston. He did send me a photo postcard of a nice home right on the gulf with he and his xyl on steps leading down to the water. I vaguely recall him mentioning his plans for KC4 and certainly the pix as shown on the QSL card is a view of the island. W4QM

It was found that his only operation from Navassa Is. was in 1971 as W0EXD/KC4. K8CX

Courtesy of I4EWH
Comments courtesy of NC1L, W4QM