W9EKP 1934 Gothenburg, Nebraska

QSL from W9EKP who was Donald Piatt Holmes of Gothenburg, Nebraska.
What makes the QSL unusual is the fictitious BO9LB call sign on the card with the QTH of Pietermaritz, Natal.
This could be a reference to Pietermaritzburg which is the capital and second largest city in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Donald was born in 1903 and was a highly regarded athlete at Gothenburg High School.
He attended the University of Nebraska and graduated from Kearney State Teachers College.
It looks like he was first licensed in 1930. He was Scoutmaster of Troop # 2 in Gothenburg in 1931 and conducted classes for radio instruction for his scouts.
In 1936 his father passed away and Donald and his brother Russell took over publishing the Gothenburg Times.
The family had owned the newspaper since 1908.

Donald died of a heart attack at age 52 in 1956.

QSL, Info N2BTD Collection