Project Diana Moon Radar, 1946 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey


The US Army Signal Corps performed an experiment just after the second World War at Camp Evens, Wall Township, New Jersey in January, 1946. The code name was "Project Diana", named for the moon goddess of ancient legend. This experiment was the 1st successful EME by transmitting a 12 million watt erp, 108 Mhz radar signal to the moon and back.

For Fort Monmouth Project Diana was a pivotal event that built on World War II expertise. In the next few years beaming radar signals off the moon became a common occurrence. However, insufficient funds made it necessary to give up the experiments, and a giant tower that was used was taken down.

If you heard the radar signal, you received this QSL card.

QSL front + Info Patrick Rigg Collection
Info page + Photo NL7XM Collection