W5HDH 1937 Alamogordo, New Mexico

W5HDH was Perley Arthur Smoll of Almogordo, NM. He was born in Blissfield, Michigan on 6/12/1884.
He came to New Mexico from Colorado in 1927 when he was hired as the Superintendent of the New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped.
His YL was Myrtle Jane Smoll. Perley died on 8/28/1965 and his YL died 12/4/1969. They had a son named Leonard A. that was born around 1916, and died on 1/25/1996.
Leonard was also a licensed amateur radio operator. His call sign was W5GGX. His obituary states "Mr. Smoll enjoyed many years as a ham radio operator, dating back to 1935".
Leonard's YL was Lucille Williams Smoll. They were married in 1943 and had 1 son, Russell in 1946. She died 7/6/2008.
I am stumped why the name Helen appears on the QSL card. Possibly a blind student from his school?

QSL from the estate of W2KMZ
Info courtesy of N2BTD