8BI 1924 / 1925 Dayton, Ohio

Operators: Beatrice & George Bourne

After researching the 4 children from the Bourne family, George Jr., Helen, Beatrice & Kitty I was able to determine that the call belonged to George Jr. and his sister Beatrice Elizabeth (Baylis/Graeter).
George Jr. was born 7/3/1905 and died at age 57 on 11/4/1962. His obituary states he was one of the first amateur radio operators in Dayton.
Beatrice was born in 1908 and died 1/3/1977.

W8BI is now owned by DARA Dayton Amateur Radio Association
DARA hosts the Dayton Hamvention

QSL's Patrick Rigg Collection
Info courtesy of N2BTD
DARA info by K8CX