W8SGN 1953 Cambridge, Ohio

Chief Operator Walter Pete Dawson W8SGN 1917-1953
Pete was tragically killed in a two car accident Memorial Day Weekend 1953, he had just been promoted from Cambridge District and serving here in Warren, Ohiio.
The accident occurred here in Trumbull County intersection of US 422 and Ohio 534, a vehicle hit them while in pursuit of a violator.
There is A OTC Scholarship in Dawson's name presented each year.
He left a wife and several young children. I (W8SU) would decades later be promoted and assigned here in Warren at the same position as Pete had. He has never been forgotten.


Pete W8SGN


QSL, Info, Photos courtesy of W8SU
Second photo from Flying Wheel Magazine, Vol. 54 No.2, April-June 2016