WN3FXW 1966 Oakdale, PA.
Now K3RU

WA3FXW 1966

WA3FXW 1975 Oakdale, PA

Operator: James E. Thompson


Jim Thompson WA3FXW 1974, now K3RU


Here is a picture of my tower, handbuilt while at my mothers house, 63 feet of tower made of electricians emt conduit and lots of bolts. That's a 4L 10 at 73 feet, given to me by now sk W3OKU (former OSS in WWII), and a 3L 15m at 64 feet.


Looking Northwest from the tower


Looking North from the tower


Looking Northeast from tower

This area was a strip mine, nothing but coal waste for acres. This coal mining area is now full of houses. The open countryside is now full of houses too.

Courtesy of K3RU