5NW 1924 Denton, Texas

Operator: Wayland Martel “Soupy” Groves was born December 3rd, 1904 and held the call sign 5NW and the portable call 5MZ. He became W5NW.
His first QSO was on June 20th, 1923. He was Director of the West Gulf Division of the ARRL for 12 years and First Vice President of the ARRL & IARU for 20 years.
He worked for the Humble Pipe Line Company In Neches, TX. His wife Beth was also licensed as W5DUR.
W5NW became a silent key on February 5th, 1986 at age 81.

The OOTC also lists him with the call sign W5ASI & XE2YZ but I could find no record of that.



The photo of the car is dated 1924.

N2BTD Collection