5OK 1927 Mineral Wells, Texas

James Wiley Brannin, K6JC, ex-W2BYE, W6OVK (Arizona and California), W5DCI, and 5OK.
He worked his away around  the states of Texas, New York, Arizona and California, mostly employed by Southern  Pacific.
He was a telegraph operator in Brooklyn circa 1930. He worked at the Southern Pacific telegraph office in Tucson, Arizona and Redwood City, California.
He invented an Echo Box Resonance Tester that was patented by the U.S. Navy.
He was born December 19, 1905 in Texas and became a Silent Key December 5, 1970 in Sonora, California.


NL7XM Collection
Photo, Info from August-September 1968 Spark-Gap Times
Courtesy of NL7XM
Info courtesy of W5KNE