9ALA 1924 Marinette, Wisconsin

Operator: Harry E. White, Jr.

The (very large) 9th District had an enormous turnover for Amateur Callsigns throughout the 1920's even though virgin suffixes were plentiful and seemingly endless.
In the span of just a few years, there are countless instances of reassigned calls after only a single license term, but none are as amusing as the surnames this pair of cards bear for consecutive holders of

Harry E. White, Jr., W9CNV, ex 9ALA, who described himself as "sweet 15" on his 9ALA QSL.
Harry was born August 26, 1908 in Wisconsin and became a Silent Key January 29, 1995 (aged 86).

QSL, Info courtesy of NL7XM
2nd pagagraph info courtesy of W5KNE