Vatican, Europe

DX Zone 15, ITU Zone 28

If you have any cards from Vatican that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.

| Ham Gallery Homepage | QSL Gallery Homepage | DXCC Countries Homepage |


HV0A 2000 by W6FW

HV0A 2024 by K8CX

HV1CN + Photos, Info 1958 by W8JIN

HV1CN + Photos, Info 1961 by W8IZQ

HV1CN + Photos, Info 1965 by VA3DN

HV1CN + Photos, Info 1986 by I4EAT

HV2VO 1980 by I0HUB

HV3SJ 1971 by VA3DN

HV3SJ 1971 by VA3DN

HV3SJ 1973 by HB9RS

HV3SJ 1971 by I4EAT

HV3SJ 1981 by W0HZ

HV3SJ 1989 by I4EAT

HV3SJ 1991 by I4EAT

HV4NAC 1992 by K8MFO

HV5PUL 2000 by ON5PU

HV50VR 2007 by DH5MM


This site is copyright © by K8CX of Paradox Design Group (PDG).
All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.