KZ5AS 1976 Canal Zone
Col. Alvin Sholk, M.D., U.S.
Army Retired, KC2FM, HP1XKZ and KZ5AS, was born in Brooklyn,
N.Y., on May 13, 1924, died Monday, Oct. 8, 2001.
He attended Samuel J. Tilden High School, Long Island University,
Long Island College of Medicine (now Downstate) and was awarded a
medical degree in 1948. Dr. Sholk interned at Greenpoint Hospital
in Brooklyn. He served a surgical residency at Gorgas Hospital in
the Panama Canal Zone and an obstetrics-gynecology residency at
Brooke Army Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. He was Board
Certified in Ob-Gyn in 1962. Dr. Sholk was appointed Assistant
Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University
of Panama from 1967 to 1969, and was awarded "A" prefix
to military M.O.S. in June 1969. He served as Chief of Service
and Director of Ob-Gyn Residency Training at Gorgas Hospital from
1965 to 1969 and in 1973 to 1980, when the Panama Canal Treaties
terminated the training program.
Dr. Sholk was raised as a Master Mason on May 13, 1946, by his
father, Dr. Barnett Sholk, who was a Past Master of the Lodge at
that time. Currently, he was a member of Transportation Lodge No.
337 A.F.&A.M.;, Scottish Rite Mason (Valley of Tokyo), Abou
Saad Shrine (Republic of Panama), Past Commander Legion of Honor
(Abou Saad Shrine), Royal Order of Jesters Panama Canal Court No.
18, Past President of National Sojourners Panama Chapter No. 35
and Past Commander of George Goethals Camp of the Heroes of 1976
in the Republic of Panama. He held Amateur Radio licenses KZ5AS
(Canal Zone), HP1XKZ (Republic of Panama) and was currently KC2FM
(Advanced Class).
Dr. Sholk was a member of the Board of Governors and the Ritual
Committee of Rodef Sholom Temple in Hampton and an Associate
member of Adath Jeshurun Synagogue in Newport News. After
retiring in 1975 as a colonel with the United States Army, with
32 years of service, Col. Sholk continued to serve an additional
14 years as a civilian with the U.S. Army until 1989. He served a
total of 27 years overseas which includes Japan, four years in
Germany and a total of 18 years in Panama....
QSL courtesy of ON6KE
Info courtesy of W5KNE