FB8CD 1957 Comoros

André Lienard, REF member since 1927 and owner of F3LI callsign in France (1935-1939), he went to Comoros first at Anjouan, and after to Mayotte.  In 1975 when Comoros became independant of the French Republic, Mayotte Island stayed in the Republic and André received his "FH8CD" call sign. André returned to France and became F3LI again.
Silent Key in 1992.

Only 3 stations where active from Comoros between 1955 - 1965. They were FB8BR/FB, FB8CD, and FB8GP.


Andre moved from Mayotte to Anjouan Is. on Comoros. On Mayotte he only had AC power for 3 hours a day. On Anjouan Is. he has AC power all day!
He has been active (1959) on 15M AM phone between 21.100 - 21.200 Mcs.

QSL from the estate of W5ILJ
Courtesy of W5KNE
Info courtesy of F2VX
Photo, Info from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #92, Nov. 4, 1959
Photo sent to magazine by W4QCW
Info sent to magazine by K6CQM