OK2AK Czechoslovakia
Operator: Hans H. Plisch
Although undated, this card (at
bottom right) confirms a contact;
it is mostly something of an advertising card for The OK2AK Beam
The card shows earlier calls; ex: 3SK, YU7AK and claims WAC with
3 watts in 1929.
Here is the German background of
Hans Plisch, EC3SK, D4AHQ, DE486N, DL3JJ. He lived in Viernheim
(Germany) and Novy -Erbersdorf in Sudetenland (Sudety) and was
DASD Liaison-officer ("Beauftragter") of Sudetenland
before its occupation and relegation to Germany, in October,
1938. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudetenland
He was then posted to Berlin. Received
"Kriegsfunkgenehmigung" (Wartime licence) D4AHQ on 25.
August, 1944. After the war held call DL3JJ.
Died 5. September, 1966.
QSL & Info G4UZN Collection
German Info courtesy of QSL Collection at DokuFunk, Vienna &
Courtesy of OE1WHC