FQ8HPG 1930 Gabon, French Equatorial Africa

Operator: Jean Denimal, unlisted call ef8HPG, later F8EX

Between 1927 - 1928, Jean was a radio operator 8HPG on board a merchant ship between Le Havre (France) and Port-Gentil (Gabon in the French Afrique Equatorial - AEF).
He was using FQ8HPG from AOF, but also FR8HPG from EA8, FF8HPG from Dakar (AOF), FM8HPG from Morroco...

In 1929, Jean change is call, always unlisted as F8WB, and was FQ8WB from Gabon, and others... He used 8WB between Le Havre and Cap Lopez (Gabon)...

Around 1930, Jean received his F8EX official call.

In 1945 he was F8AX/AR8 in Lebanon, and many others DXcall.

Jean was one of the greatest french DX men.

QSL Patrick Rigg Collection
Info courtesy of F2VX