W6ODD/FI8 1948 French Indo-China

Operator: Willard Hunton

My friend K6TX (ex-W6AVM) sent this card to me before he passed away because he knew I was collecting old DX QSL's from my friends who became SK. Byron was 18 at the time of the QSO, and he always remembered how lucky he was to get this one. Unfortunately, he missed the W6ODD/CR8 on the morning that was a big event for many members of the So CA DX Club. All the charter members of SCDXC, NCDXC (No CA) and SDDXC (San Diego) are SK. Byron was the last charter member of the So CA DX Club to pass on. Next to last was Gordon, W6RR (W6ITA), whose W6ODD/CR8 card I inherited, along with FN8, CR8 Goa, C9, several AC4, and many other rare ones from the early post war era. The last charter member of SDDXC to pass on was Bud, W6PBI, who had become addicted to 160M DX, along with his lifetime buddy, W7LR (originally W6PBV). I also remember several of those OT's explaining that zone 23 was half the reason for chasing the AC4 stations, but many did not realize that C8FP, C8LS, C8YR were in zone 23, as were many other active stations in zone 24 China.

W6YA Collection