DL1KB 1943 Germany

HANS (“JONNY”) PAZEM, *01.16.1916, †07.02.1997
QTH: (1935) Köln-Ehrenfeld Venloerstr. 372; (1948) Köln-Rösrath;(1952 Köln-Forsbach Hauptstr. 560
Calls: (1935) unlis EZ4X, (1936) DE 3191/I, D4EZX; (1946) unlis EZ4X; (1948) unlis DA4NA; (1951/52) DL1KB
Biographical remarks:
- Joined DASD 01.12.1934.
- “DE numbers 2823-3377 issued for members active for a full year since 1935” <Bulletin /J 02-03/1936>
- 09.11.1941 Expelled for “Verstoß gegen das Schwarzsendergesetz” (illegal operation) <Bulletin /J 09-12/1941>
- 05.17.1945 Founding member of DARC in the British Occupation Zone
- 1949-1997 PTT Cologne Licensing Commision
- (20-30 years) Producer Köln-Aachen Rundspruch DL0KA
- 01.31.1995: Goldene Ehrennadel #104 des DARC (Badge of Honour, Member of OV G10/Köln) <Köln-Aachen-Rundspruch 3/95, 01.22.1995>
- DXCC Honor Roll, DIG #130
- Honorary member DARC

QSL & Info from QSL Collection at DokuFunk, Vienna
Tnx Wolf OE1WHC