MX2B 1936 Manchoukuo


Manchoukuo was a state created in 1932 by the Japanese in Manchuria, a puppet regime ruled in name only by " The Last Emperor" PuYI. It only existed till 1945 (end of the war). Manchoukuo shows up in the country list of pre WWII as MX, (in the Radio Handbook of 1939), but it of course disappears after 1945. See the other MX cards in the Gallery.


Operator: Takeshi Nagano

According to the DX column in Radio magazine (edited by Herb Becker, W6QD), "Mr. Nagano is 35 years old and is a native of Japan. He was among the first group of emigrants to settle in the new country where the winters are fierce and the summer heat terrific."

QSL from the estate of W3EVW
Photo, info courtesy of W5KNE from Radio Magazine, July 1937