Southern Sudan

Contacts made between May 7, 1972, and Dec. 31, 1994 count for this entity.

If you have any cards from Southern Sudan that aren't listed below, please send them to K8CX for the Gallery.

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6U0KK 1980 by I4EAT

9Y4RD/ST0 1983 by NG6W

K5LBU/ST0 + Info 1980 by I0HUB, W5KNE

ST0AS 1981 by W8YLJ

ST0HF 1979 by W1EOA

ST0RK 1978 by K8CX

ST0RK 1977 by OE1HGW

ST0RK 1979 by W0OKC

ST0DX 1991 by K8CX

ST0DX 1991 by WF5E

ST0YD 1990 by F6AJA

ST0YY 1978 by K5IH

ST2FF/ST0 1980 by W3EVW

ST2SA/ST0 1976 by W3EVW

TL8GE/ST0 1984 by W5KNE

PA3CXC/ST0 1994 by K8CX

PA3CXC/ST0 1990 by NG6W


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All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.