Roy V21N, Wife Pansie, and stepson Moshi.

Roy V21N was the perfect host and a very interesting personality. He knows everyone on the Island. His Island tours were very complete. Just be prepared to have a "white knuckle" ride. Perhaps a little prayer before going wouldn't hurt. His 4 wheel drive passed the test by going throught the mountains where the 22" of rain (from 2 weeks ago) completely washed out the roads with mud slides. Roy is also a fearless antenna man. He has put up some of the tallest towers on the Island (plus all of his own).

Pansie is the best! She's a good wife to Roy, good cook, and works for Roy in his Cement factory (at the rental location).

Moshi was the local computer expert (and also works in Roy's factory). He was very interested in my laptop. I let him use it as much as he wanted. We put our heads together on several computer related subjects.