2006 DXCC Year In Review
by Joe Reisert, W1JR


DX wise, 2006 was just as challenging as 2005. The lower sunspot
numbers caused the upper HF bands to be spotty but some openings were
caught by those who were vigilant. At the same time, numerous
ionospheric disturbances adversely effected propagation on both the
upper and lower HF bands. The experts are telling us that this is
normal just prior to the start of a new solar cycle. The experts are
also predicting that the next solar cycle (24) will start in early
2007. Some are also predicting that the next solar cycle will be as
good as the past one. That gives us some optimism!

2006 was a year of surprises. First off, although not a complete
surprise, Montenegro joined the rank of nations and thus gave the DXCC
its first new entity since Ducie Island in 2002. Shortly thereafter,
the DXCC rules for qualifying a new entity were changed. The
definition of a Point 1 Political Entities was modified to add the US
Department of State Dependencies "Areas of Special Sovereignty" and
the UN list of "Non Self-Governing Territories." This immediately
qualified Swains Island a new entity by Point 2 Geographic Separation
and the DXCC active current list expanded to 337 entities. Finally,
at the end of the year, the FCC announced its intention to eliminate
the Morse Code requirements for attaining an Amateur Radio License.

The year 2006 also had a few DX surprises. With little or no fanfare,
we saw a brief operation (only hours!) from Ducie Island (VP6UU) and
Auckland Island (ZL2BSJ/9). Later in the year, the ZL8R Micro-lite
DXpedition caught many by surprise. Of course, there were numerous
operations from the new nation of Montenegro as well as the first
activation of Swains Island as a new entity. Notable other semi-rare
entities activated in 2006 included (but are not limited to) 3C0, 3Y0P
(at last!), 5A, 6O, CE0Z, E51/N, FH, FT/X, JX, KH5, PY0S, PY0T, R1F,
VU4, VU7, XF4, XW, and YX0. Solo DXpedition extraordinary Vlad,
UA4WHX activated at least nine (9) semi-rare entities in Southern

I personally worked 275 entities, three (3) more than in 2005. Over
250 of these entities were worked on CW so that mode in not
disappearing (yet)! I missed some entities that were only briefly
activated, active during a time when propagation was not optimum,
operated only on a list (which I avoid) or active while I was out of
state. Therefore, I missed 13 so there were 288 entities activated
during 2006, just slightly ahead of 2005. Those entities that were
believed to not be active in 2006 may serve to show what is considered
rare DX and are as follows:

AF (15): 3B6, 3C, 3Y/B, 9U, 9X, D6, E3, FR/E&J, FR/G, FR/T, FT/W,
FT/Z, TN, VK0H and ZS8.

AS (6): 7O, BS, BV9P, E4, P5 and XZ.

EU (2): 1A and R1MV.

NA (6): CY0, CY9, FO/C, KP1, KP5 and TI9.

OC (16): 3D2C, FK/C, H40, KH1, KH3, KH4, KH5K, KH7, KH9, T2, T31, T33,
VK0M, VK9M, VK9W and ZL7.

SA (4): CE0X, CE0Y, HK0M and VP8/Sand.

2007 already promises activation of some rare entities such as 1A4A
(formerly 1A0KM), 3B6, 9M0, KH8/S, S2, TN, VU7, YW0 and hopefully the
long awaited FR/G. Let's hope propagation improves as Solar Cycle 24
begins and that travel arrangements cooperate! I hope to see you in
the pile ups.

Joe, W1JR

Joe's other Year End Reviews:
2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |


Used with permission and with special thanks to "The Daily DX" Vol. 10, No. 002 - January 3, 2006
Editor/Publisher Bernie McClenny W3UR
Many thanks to Joe Reisert W1JR for the review