In early 1960, Don Chesser W4KVX, owner and editor of DX Magazine had a bad fire and lost most everything. He lost his barn, printing press and all equipment associated with it, all ham equipment, a large collection of QSL cards, 20,000+ file cards of QSO's dating back to 1933, large stock of Jennings & Eimac condensers, one of the finest TV repair shops in KY with all up to date test equipment, 5000 new tubes, 6000 surplus tubes, hundreds of thousands of electronic parts, $5000.00 worth of service manuals, two Chevy panel TV service trucks and utility trailer, finest collection of all types of electric and hand tools, and too much more to list here. The insurance company had the building insured for $2500 and nothing on its contents.

His Adressograph plates from his DX Magazine were recently converted from alunimum to steel and were recovered after much cleaning. The old alunimum plates were melted to a blob.

The local DX club, Ohio Valley DX gang including W8JIN, W8FGX, K4OCN, W8RSW, W8SDD, W8QHW, W8UOD, Kim, and DXers from everywhere came to Don's rescue with cleanup time, money, and help in any way needed!

Here are some photos:

When a DXer turns editor.


Before the fire!


After the fire!


and now...


W4KVX at the moment that the Addressograph plates had survived the fire!


The remains of two 1949 Chevrolet panel TV service trucks, both equipped with two-way radio.


A roof overhead, however badly damaged.


The ham community wanted Don to rebuild. Don and W8QHW opened letters for days. To receive such a response from so obviously a warmhearted, generous fraternity, hundreds of guys they never met, was the most sensational, inspirational experience of Don's life. After such a show of loyalty and faith, Don could do no less than his best to comply. Come hell or high water (no fire, pse), "DX" would rise again!
This is a photo of Don's new unfinished editorial office. The new W4KVX ham station will go into the far right-hand corner.


Our pride and joy! A new 24" Vallette process camera with new dark room to the left!

Don Chesser W4KVX was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention.

Photos and info from Don Chesser W4KVX DX Magazine #97, May 27, 1960
Some photos taken by W8OCT, K4OCN