EAR-VL 1933 Spain

Operator: Enrique Vazquez Lescaille
Also: EAR-05, EA1BL

This is a provisional callsign in Spain pre 1934 licensing.
The Spanish administration issues EAR callsigns from EAR1 to EAR336, after that, all the legal EAR were changed to EA as we know today, from district 0 to 9.
Hams initially used EAR plus letters (normally identifying name or city) in pre-licensing days.


EAR-VL in his hamshack in the early 1930's


EA1BL and EAJ-40 (Broadcasting)


Fotografía de Ramón Pazos, Santiaguiño, locutor y guarida en Radio Pontevedra durante la Guerra Civil.
Phtografies from Spanish War (1936-1939)


Read history on EAR-VL, EA1BL (in Spanish, with photos)


QSL & Photos, Info Courtesy of EA1CIU
Callsign Info courtesy of EA5BM